what is it like to work in the big accounting firm?

have your boss ever slamp the door at your face?
is your boss those they of person who are very very impatient and would require you to get every thing done beautifully?

this is what had happened to our group yesterday afternoon:-

after lunch, our director came into our room and ask our group leader...
'MW, still got how many cases to go?'

MW answered:
'5 cases'

director did noy say anything and walk toward the door and.....
'bang' the door was slamp closed.

everyone in the room including me was in fear.
why? because the director get angry and mad already.
the director get very 'mang zang' when he heard what MW said.

then he started to call everyone and anyone from other groups to for help.
it seems like the person who get called also was surprise and shock that what happened and it seems that she also kena shoot.

actually i have to share the blame.
i did not push the customer hard enough so that they could provide me the information as soon as possible.

but i'm really suprise that the director has such high 'EQ' in the sense that everyone was afraid of him.

that's all for my report.
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