
作詞:阿丹/鄔裕康 作曲:曹格 編曲:涂惠源
雨 不停落下來 花 怎麼都不開
儘管我細心灌溉 你說不愛就不愛 我一個人 欣賞悲哀

愛 只剩下無奈 我 一直不願再去猜
鋼琴上黑鍵之間 永遠都夾著空白 缺了一塊 就不精采

緊緊相依的心如何Say goodbye 你比我清楚還要我說明白
愛太深會讓人瘋狂的勇敢 我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼

把手放開不問一句Say goodbye 當作最後一次對你的溺愛
冷冷清清淡淡今後都不管 只要你能愉快

心 有一句感慨 我 還能夠跟誰對白
在你關上門之前 替我再回頭看看 那些片段 還在不在

this song specially dedicated to my friend...
who his x jus got married/engaged on 070707....

i dedicate this song to him... is not bcos i mean the gal betrayed him...
but... with the meaning of the song...
i betrayed myself to let you go....

so... wish him luck in looking for his next target...
and also... wish that i do not need to dedicate this song to him again...
PLUS :Pay Lebih Untuk Sami

KTM :Keretapi Taktau Masa

JKR :Jangan Kerja Rajin

PLKN : Perempuan Letup Kerana Najib

DBKL : Datuk Badawi Kahwin Lagi

RTM : Rehat Tunggu Mati

some of the very funny short form...
it's hard for me when you are tension...
and you try your very best to release it...
and you end of getting sick :P

just feel glad that i watched die heart 4.0 today.
quiet a great one...
at least better than HP5
haha... so bad for me to say like tat.
hehe... really nice show... and if you want me to say something regarding the show.
i would say... if you like action movie...
you would like the movie very much...
action packed movie :)
it's not that i do not want to update my blog... but it seems like i have not much time to do some quality blogging.

my pc in the office just being converted to laptop...
and with the laptop your responsibility become higher and greater...
and with that... it seems that you can work 24/7... haha :P

sien la...
actually life is in a mess lately...
because it's peak period now..
and i realised things are in a mess..
as i need to take leave as my grandpa was sick...
and subsequently he suddenly pass away because his sickness could not be cured.

it's seems like things in life are just like tat...
people come and go...
and regardless whether you can take it or not..
it's already a fact.

i just hope that he would rest in peace...
and things will sail smoothly.
suddenly updated my blog...
with a lot of my tought...
hope it doesn't overload it...
因为刚刚把电脑format了, 然后有很多的东西都被delete掉了。




Yeah... the latest show in town...
the hottest show in town...
all the ticket are fully booked and i managed to watch it on last Friday.. the second day the movie was on.

and i could tell you that the movie is superb.
it was being rated an 8 by the local Chinese news paper critic...
normally and usually they will give a movie 5/6 which you can go and watch and you would not think of watching it again.

however, transformer is different...
it give me a feeling that i might want to go watch it again.

and also being able to watch the movie on the second day it's very lucky and thanks a lot to jean who did the booking.
it was fun to watch movie with friends and rather watching with my bf all the time.

transformer is a cartoon who nearly every youngster in their 20 today will have a memory of it...
but it seems a bit blur for me.
actually I'm not that into this movie.
but it turns out a surprise for me..
and it's a really really great show which i think you should go to the cinema and you would agreed with what i wrote here.

go grab the movie ticket... which i think it's quite difficult to get nowadays... i heard the show was fully booked for the week...
have not coming up to update my blog very often...

working is very stressful..
until my hands are shaking...
try to destress myself.

there are things which i'm upset about last week..
however managed to settle it..
try to talk to many poeple ...
and now..
i try to let go...

there are times which there are things which i cant let go...
things and job are keep piling up...
i'm trying to let myself to go to the best shape possible...

hopefully things will be alright soon...
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