25022011 ~ Project 365

saw the two sign inside the lift
do not smoking
do not litter

wonder how many is aware of the sign
if got people continue smoking and litter in the lift

they are blind rite?

WOTD 25022011

my post for words of the day
1 : callow (adj):young and without experience - used to show disapproval /immature
2 : cabin (n):a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep
3 : camera (n):equipment used to take photographs or make film
4 : capacious (adj): able to contain a lot
5 : cage (n): cage lo :P

other words of the day from my friends

1 : capture (v): catch a person and keep them as a prisoner
2 : capital (n):important city where main government of a country
3 : cake (n): cake lo!!! :P
4 : canteen (n):place in a factory, school etc where meals are provided
5 : calm (adj):relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset

1 : callus (n):an area of thick hard skin
2 : capsule (n): click to see picture ---> ??
3 : cadaver (n): a dead human body, especially one used for study
4 : calamity (n): = disaster
5 : calligraphy (n):the art of producing beautiful writing using special pens or brushes, or the writing produced this way

1 : cannery (n):a factory where food is put into cans
2 : canny (adj):clever, careful, and not easily deceived
3 : repetitive of 1 above
4 : cacophony (n): a loud unpleasant mixture of sounds
5 : cackle (v): laugh in a loud unpleasant way,making short high sounds
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