do not understand why she is sick again
the whole world will have to stop because of her?
i do not understand
so i have to spend more time to understand her?

why other people can be cure but not her?
is it all in the mind?
the mind is playing the trick?
the mind is weak?


生活枯燥 用心体会
人生乏味 培养幽默
体力日差 运动健身
工作疲惫 认真休息
孤傲狂放 感恩惜福
志得意满 谦冲为怀
钱不够用 投资理财
工作低迷 激励自己
怀疑自己 建立自信
忽略家人 爱与关怀
浑噩度日 阅读好书
忙于工作 安排休闲
目中无人 不断学习
服务不佳 让顾客满意
慌张失措 万全准备
推诿责任 勇于承担
肠枯思竭 转型思考
沮丧失意 检讨改进
畏惧调职 提升自己
沟通障碍 真诚倾听
业绩消退 积极行动

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