Thursday, April 30, 2009
by Unknown
finally survive the filing..
and filed my last tax return by end of today.
before 5pm
(plan not to write anything much)
so after ending the busy day
(i thought is too much to pack at 5.25pm but somebody start packing and ready to go back by 5.00pm. anyway who cares? as long as you finished ur work you can go back on time)
i went home sharp sharp 5.30 (actually not sharp sharp, maybe 10 - 15 minutes late.)
i feel sleepy and a bit tired when i was on the way back home
wanted to sleep...
but later at nite there is vegetarian BBQ..
quite hot to have BBQ at nite..
hopefully can post some photo about the BBQ later ;)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
by Unknown
looking at IRB’s website and realised that why the there is an annoucement
“Talian LHDNM sedang mengalami kesesakan pada ketika ini. Waktu terbaik untuk menggunakan Sistem e-Filing adalah di antara
jam 1.00 pagi sehingga jam 7.00 pagi.”
which mean the IRB’s line is experiencing heavy traffic at the time being. The best time to use the e-filing system is between 1.00 am to 7.00 am
so.. today is last day of e-filing for individual and we are saying we gonna wait until 1.00am only file it? that’s mean it’s after the due date d…
what is good annoucement…
Thursday, April 30, 2009
by Unknown
Recently there is an outbreak for the Swine flu and the followings are some recommendations from the global security office of my company
- Stay at home if you are not well. (so meaning i need to stay at home.. cos i’ve been coughing for more than two weeks , but dear employer would you be willing to give me two weeks paid leave?)
- If you begin to show flu-like symptoms, such as high fever, cough, headache, and muscle pain, consult your physician immediately. Anti-viral medication, taken within the first 48-hours, has proven thus far to be effective. (oops i’ve been sick for more than two weeks.. so now no matter what medicine i take also would not be effective?)
- Practice good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing. (i’ve gotta go to pantry more often?? luckily it’s just nearby the place i’m sitting)
- Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbows to minimize potential virus spread. (yes i tried to cover my nose every time i sneeze ;) )
- Avoid sick people (how to avoid sick people? don’t go to work? or sick people should be quarantine in a room call sick room?).
- This strain of swine flu is unique and has not been seen before in humans. There no specific vaccine currently available. The regular seasonal flu vaccine is unlikely to provide protection.(no vaccine… meaning no cure?)