










這張USB專輯將於本週日(12月6日)搶先於KLCC Convensyen Centre舉辦的PC FAIR Hall 1 ---booth 136 & Hall4 ---booth 421櫃檯出售,凡購買USB專輯者將可免費獲得家凱2010日歷卡以及限量版海報。
除此之外,若歌迷有興趣搶先訂購USB專輯的話,也可以以郵購方式向滾石唱片訂購,更多有關郵購的方式請瀏覽家凱的facebook 或致電滾石唱片:03-92821328洽詢。

well this album sound very very interesting to me.
i think robbie williams also have this kind of similar album
so.. i hope to get one for myself.

No this and No that

This year cutting cost and saving $$ is an issue
it started with taking in VT and ppl from other division from the related co
No P and I (for 50% of the staff?)
then no news of the annual get together
AFL/AFD celebration together

followed by ACT also being cancelled as no news was announced
but BBs promised that local ACT will be organised if we can hit the threshold
but yet again event over threshold met no news again

worst came
energy drink was cut!!!!! only pity half little bottle of powder for the whole floor after office hour and the next morning.
(so everybody can go back earli??)

you can either keep on complaining
else leave it
or just keep quite :P

why are we left out?

the company's audit and other department are organising a year end party
(cos this year there are no annual dinner?)
(i guess this is one of the cost cutting measure with the new you know who)

in the communcation e-mail it states
Entry is free for all Audit, ERS, and FAS people only - This party is for you!
(er.. hello.. how ab tax?)
(why is tax left out??)
(cos we are different entity?)

so people started to forward the communcation e-mail to each other
then commenting this is not fair and stuff
i guess the communication e-mail was flying here and there and it eventually end up in one of the BB's mail box

as the BB who is taking care of the staff's welfare
(or her own staff's welfare)
the BB quickly send out an e-mail to everyone for comfort on the staff
else i think 2moro or next Monday there gonna be a mogok session in the T department


this morning when i woke up
it was raining
just feel like you do not want to wake up at all
just lie in bed and tell your boss that you are not feeling well and want to MC today

but in actual fact i did not
if you have to work you have to work

then on the way to office
the road was smooth
but the way to KL was a bit jam as usual

i wonder whether is it because of school holiday
the cars are getting lesser

is it because of holiday season more people are taking off??
rainy days did not make me down...
but just a bit lazy onli
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