One Point lesson

GSJ was wonder what to share during his one point lesson and we were stuck in a small jam when we are at Sri Hartamas.

so we put things that we encountered during the trafic jam to the one point lesson.
to summaries it.

1) taking a new option after much planning and testing
2) think that by using the new option there would result to saving
3) but first result of the new option came out worst than the previous option adopted
4) turning point is whether to adopt the new option or to follow back the old option
5) decided to give the new option a second chance and try again the second day
6) realised the failure is actually due to some unforseen circumstances
7) tried second time the outcome is quite optimistic and everything should be okay.

Lesson from the story
1) sometimes things does not turn out as what was planned eventhough we planned and tested everything nicely and in advance
2) failure of first testing doesn't mean that is the end of the world.
3) Never try never know
4) sometimes there are obtaces which might slow you down from moving forward. but to be successful we must have the sprit of not giving up because we never try we never know. Even the result is failure we should be proud because at least we have tried.
First day of testing DUKE was like an all new experience for me and we have not been using the Sri Hartamas way for long long time...
and after we managed to go through DUKE and Jalan Duta within 5 minutes and ...

Oh O...
Traffic Jam?

how come how come the non-traffic Jam Sri Hartamas way to PJ have traffic Jam?
so we lined up patiently and wondering why there was traffic jam and whether we are correct to choose this way which are unknown to us and we are not certain to wat extend the new highway would speed up my jorney to the office.

but as we are reaching the traffic lights we realised there is a car broke down just right before the traffic light.
no wonder there is traffic jam at the non traffic jam road.
sometimes i wonder why Malaysian why like to be KPC and result to a tranffic jam occur
this has resulted us to be late by around 10-15 minutes where initially i'm suppose to save 5 minutes as planned.

However, this doesn't affect our faith in the new highway and today i tried the same route again.
no traffic jam today and we used the sprint toll and we managed to reach office within a 15-20 minutes time... so this closed the gap between the distance of PJ and Jalan Kuching / Jalan Ipoh.

I think with the DUKE opened.
our small little condo price is going to shoot up again as the public infrastructure is being planned so nicely and...
things should be OK by the time we are moving in.


there is a new highway open near jalan kuching...
and it's called the DUKE highway
it starts all the way from Jalan Duta and ends at Ulu Klang. (that's how they get the D.U.and K how ab E ... it stands for Expressway)

and the banner which was on the lamp post of the road from Jalan Kuching Interchange note that you can get to Jalan Duta within 1.5 min.

with this DUKE open i would managed to save around 5-10 min on my way to the office and would be able to reach office within 15-20 minutes. itsn't it cool?

and the coolest part about this DUKE is... the part of the highway from the Jalan Kuching Interchange to Sri Hartamas of the DUKE is FREE :P
yeah it's not only free when it is on testing to public but completely tol free road..

this result to me to have a choice whether wanna take the completely toll free road to office (which i can escape the sprint toll near eastin or pay RM 1 to save another 5-10 minutes)

cool when people built highway and it is even cooler when it's FOC :)
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