staff: Boss today I got training, can I go ar?

Boss: ... ... (blank face) (terbinggung) (dunno what to react)
Yes of course...


for those who are not in the group maybe question why such question was asked.
i think this is because of the conversation held earlier btw me and my boss.

TC: Boss next monday i got training oh...
Boss: (jokingly saying) no... cannot attend the training...
TC: HUH?no worries la... i will finished all my tax comp before i go for training...
Staff: (think in her mind... then i should also finished all my tax comp or else i cant go for the training lo??)


ended up the staff went for half day for the full day training...
getting more and more bold.. and daring d...
ponteng class somemore...
no I see... :P
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