Tuesday, January 04, 2011
by Unknown

second day of work...
my files already piling up
looks very c2pid to myself
why am i doing all the challenging stuff?
maybe just because i do not know what is segregation of duty?
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
by Unknown
dealing with a working mom
she have to take leave to take care of her son
that makes me think
in a family
there should be either one which have the flexibility to able to take care of the son whenever they got anything
lesson learned:
1) either mommy or daddy have to be responsible to take care of your own kids
2) you have to take care of your kids cos you "created" them
3) kids take note that your parents actually took a lot of effort to raise you up
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
by Unknown
a scary incident happened and we realised today
and i've reported it to the co's management
thereafter the person responsible is sacked w.e.f. 5.30pm
lesson learned:-
1) dare to speak up. cos you might be able to save a lot of hessle for other people
2) do not think it is bad to report something that you see is not correct
3) do not keep quite of something which is not logic
4) do not think that you are wrong to report when there is nobody there to report in the first place
i'm busy the whole day
but yet i still decided to report the case
cos i feel the seriousness of the case
my old boss asked me...
so they know you are the informer?
better becareful!
need to worried about that you did the right thing?
or you need to worry about your report when it comes to your evaluation