Utility theory

the lecture said that the choice that you had made at the particular is the best choice that you can make at that time...

i doubt it. if that is the best choice i've made? why i regreted when i've made the choice? erm.. i jus really really wonder why...
1 Response
  1. J Says:

    No you won't really regret. Coz you dunno the outcome of another choice. It may be better, but maybe it's worse?
    Life is an one way journey, and it doesn't allow us to regret. Often we have to make choices and once we make it, we can never go back and say, lets try another path. We'll never know where the other road will lead us.
    Maybe this is what making it hard to make choices. This reminds me of one of the poem we study in secondary - The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

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