Miss Chin

Miss Chin is my advance corporate reporting paper 3.6 lecture.
she is a very very systematic lecture but her notes are quite messy sometimes.
since i'm the printing manager. i have to deal with her most of the time.

she is really really special in the sense that she will 'tegur' us when we did something not correct, wrong or something which she thinks is not correct.

today she went into the lecture hall early. she said that she got nothing to do in her office so she decided to come early to check and see whether we are late.
yes. we are always late for lectures and tutorial. miss chin was saying that she will start her lecture at 8.00 sharp. but i think she did start later today. and i was joking with her that my clock was already 8.00am already,and we should start now. but the dk was like only having 30% of the students coming in to the class.i would like to put my watch five minutes earlier where this would definately make a difference in everything that we do. sometimes it seems that we tend to be late in most of the things we do in our life.

i do think that her lecture and tutorial are tension enough, but just that if we are commited enough, we should be able to complete what we wanna achieve within the required time.
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