Air Minuman

looking at the title,
i wonder what those who do not know bahasa would think of...

today Marty was looking at the mineral water bottle, and he was giving an example where the mineral water was special because it has 'air (which means the air we breath) minuman (minimum cos it is wrong spelling?)'
then we listen and listen and we are figuring what he is talking about...
then we think of air minuman which means drinking water in malay.

sometimes i wonder how we can adapt ourself to read malay and english...
i really wonder how...
2 Responses
  1. Beez Says:

    wonder? well i must say that is the speciality of malaysian in majority, if not all. betul? =)WE are one of the countries which have many different types of languages learnt by its citizens... WE are not that bad rite? MALAYSIA sometimes betul-betul BOLEH one ler...hehehee

  2. J Says:

    Water with minimum amount of air?
    Hmm.... is it good or bad for health? ^^

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