today ask jean yee to fetch me to shop for siew heoh's b'day present.
she came at about 7pm and we went to one U to look for siew heoh's b'day present which was a watch.

we went to the directory and look for all the places where it sell watches.
then we copy down the shop location and we went for nearly every shop in the new wing.
and we settle down in the coffee bean for a drink.
then we look at the booklet where we wrote down where we should go... and we realised that actually the boklet have the directories of places where we wanna go.
wat dump dump tee chong..
din look at the directory nicely.
then we really like shop till we are tired and finally we got a bum watch for siew heoh d.
is just exactly 180 which is within out targeted price.
then we went on to hunt for the b'day card.
we went to popular to get the b'day card. and then only we realised that it was already 10pm.
luckily we are able to acomplish our mission within tonight.
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