Msn virus

there is a virus in MSN where it is an auto message where it sends something like a link to you,
please do not accept or click on it.
cos if not you would be in big big trouble!!!!
and the virus would be an auto message which will infect everyone who using msn in your contact list.
and now the virus had advance that it ask you to look at it.
it would be a message like
lol look at this....
and it will follow by a very very strange link where it contains your e-mail address.
please please please do not open it.
this will infect your computer and all your friends on msn.
i think it is a spyware.
and antivirus have no effect on this thing.
luckily the day before i encounter with the virus i have downloaded the microsoft anti spyware.
and luckily it had been blocked by the anti spyware.
if not i think i would not be online for now.
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