曹格 super women


Early in the morning, I put breakfast at your table
一夜都沒睡但我 不曾如此清醒
我早餐準備了妳 愛吃的東西
這次換我等妳被咖啡 的香味叫醒

想要找回每天早晨 對我微笑著的妳
還能夠 做些什麼代替我的歉意
總是望著我 小心翼翼順著我呼吸
而我竟然理所當然 讓妳精疲力盡

You were my superwoman
安靜的在身邊 無條件給我 夢寐以求的溫柔
But I am only human
我怎麼不懂妳多寂寞 殘忍的犯了錯
不能失去妳 Ooh—Babe---

You fought your way through the rush hour
Try to make it home just for me
月光下靜靜靠著彼此 只求夜長一點
有多久沒有好好看妳 只是認定了我
無論在什麼時候回頭 都有妳的笑容

是我忽略了妳也會有 想要哭的感覺
換我忍耐換我等待 不要真的棄權

不能想像更不能原諒這樣讓愛化成 灰燼

If you feel it in your heart and you understand me.
STOP right where you are, everybody sing along with me.

i've been searching for this lyrics for about whole day and today...
erm.. finally i got bump into the site..
they called it the garyblue blog.
i'm not sure whether it belongs to gary or not..
however i think good things should be shared out so that more people know about it.
and malaysian singer should be given more support so that they could fly higher in the huge world of the music industry.
so enable me to lead you to gary's blog.
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