listening to faye wong's song inside the office.
i think it's a very enjoyable things since i sort of like faye wong.

and sometimes listening to faye wong song reminds me of her.
it's very sad for me since she had already forget to wish me happy b'day for two consecutive years.
why? why? why?
what's the reason behind.

it makes me very very sad.
because my primary schoolmate sms me since she remember my b'day.
and it has been like 12 years we have not seen each other.

i'm still very sad.
dispite of being FFK by friends for last saturday outing.
i'm still hoping that i would be able to meet her in the street some time some day.
i would like to wish her happy and nothing than that.

i do hope to get her wishes in the future.

erm... maybe what i can do to make her remember my b'day is to take the initiative to invite her for my b'day party which i plan to held next year?
i wonder... and i'm planning for it.
1 Response
  1. Beez Says:

    Hi gal...
    dunno if the person in my mind matches the one whom u were talking about... the 'she'... but anyway, hopefully u can get her to ur coming bday party next year... one way to shorten the distance indeed? ;)

    wish u HAPPY always,like u used to be ;)


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