DIGI Maxis and Celcome :P

Kajian baru-baru menunjukkan Digi (016 atau 014) tidak selamat digunakan.
Recent research shows that DIGI (016 or 014) is not safe for using it.

Apabila anda guna line Digi dan rakamkan dalam camera, dan perhatikan elok-elok.... anda boleh perhatikan kelibat seekor penunggu bewarna kuning akan mangekori pengguna tersebut. Jin atau toyol kuning ini akan ikut anda ke mana-mana: laut, gunung, hutan,
dalam komuter, malahan dalam kereta lalu kat terowong pun dia ada gak.

When you are using a DIGI line, please record with a camera and observe carefully....
You can notice that there is a stranger in yellow following the DIGI user. Gen or yellow sprit will following whereever: sea, moutain, forest, commuter, even in the car or inside the tunnel he's there as well.

Tak seram ke bila sentiasa diekori macam tu? Dah lah botak, pendek, tembam dan berwarna kuning cerah, makhluk ni jugak akan mengajuk-ajuk pergerakan anda! Pada masa yang sama, mereka akan menari-nari dan menyanyi lagi "I will follow Him" dari
filem 'Sister Act 1' yang diubahsuai liriknya.

Isn't it scarry when you are being followed by such person all the time? it's bold, short, fat and sharp yellow in colour, this 'creature' will also imitate your movement as well! At the same times they will dance and sing "I will follow Him" from the movie "Sister Act 1" which it's lyrics has been modified.

So, hati-hati dengan pengguna Digi yang dekat dengan anda, kerana anda diperhatikan. Gunalah Celcom atau Maxis, macam saya.

So be careful with DIGI user right beside you, because you are being watched. Use Celcom or Maxis just like me.

P/s: Ni bukan rekaan. Tetapi saya lihat sendiri dengan mata saya kat TV baru-baru
ini. Kenapa, tak percaya

P/S: This is not fiction. But what I see with my own bare eyes on TV lately. Why dont' you trust me?
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