actually i feel very sorry for you..
seeing you working so hard and yet..
there is someone so anti to work together wit you in the group.
i wanted to stand up for you..
but a coward like me would not know how to stand up for u.

i understand the purposes of you working so hard is to meet our group billing budget.
but would they understand?
they have been with the group one year plus.
and they have not been through the pain of need to bill to meet the budget
to them it's just nothing

you always ask them to put yourself into other's shoe.
but has they really put themselves into your shoe?

they just play and joke around..
just like they are still very young...
why you need to work so hard?
because you like it?
enjoy it?
what's life for you?

i just cant stand people being misunderstood..
and it's just very unfair in my eyes...

i would like to try to review the junior work..
but the work never came back to me.
it went straight back to you.
i was thinking then, what's the point of me reviewing their work?

yeah... maybe it's just like what you said,
i'm just too sensitive :)
sometimes i think only sensitive person would appreciate how other people thinks.

but... to me..
the most important things is not to be so stubborn on stuff which are mitty gritty.
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