mood going up and down up and down lately

cos i’m placed in between a pile of big mess.
do not know where to begin with.

yeah i was placed in a pile of mess before.
do not know what and where to begin with before.
i went through the hard way..
try to give my best service
and people remember what i’ve done for them
and yes people talk about me when they meet others and they ask whether you know this person she is very nice bla.. bla.. bla…

but i’ve also gotten a lot of complain
not those type which you wish to listen.
anyway life is never a bed of roses waiting for you that’s what my x boss always tell me.
maybe i should get more consultation from her so that i would be able to improve myself further.

i have no idea seems like i’m lost
but i cant turn back cos the road behind me was block with rocks and stuff..
i have no ideas i’m alone..
nobody to hold your hand to guide you
you have to swim alone.
you would be answerable to all the question raised
you would be responsible for all the faults and error you made.
you are responsible for not taking care of the error that your staff have made.
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