t0m@k0 thinks about Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog reminds me of poverty which still exist at the very moment that we are being bz complaining our life is like this not good like tat not good.
we got not enough attention and love from the people that we want them to pay attention at
I'll mumble that i have no money and i'm broke and very poor but...
money not enough...

but when you think and compare with those people in the movie
they are people who are really living in a bad condition
no money; no live

and we really like living 10X or even 100X better than them
yet we are keep on complaining
too many work;
too much pressure;
too little pay;
too little happiness

but on the other hand
when your mind start to complain..
think about them
compare them with yourself
you would feel better
cos you really live better as compared to them
you would feel glad and happy
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