was discussing with a friend regarding earth hour and the post i post in my blog.
and he told me why should we care about offing the light for one hour.

actually i guess it is not about whether you should off the light for one hour
it's about whether you still concern about the place you are staying which is the earth.
you need not really off all the lights in your house and stay in the dark
just off those unnecessary light, like those big companies did.
i.e. starbucks, GSC and stuff..

last time i do practice offing the lights when we are not in the cubical where we are out for lunch.
i think this is a good habbit which i see my old group members are still practicing it till today.
sometimes people ask why we off the lights in our group.
i guess is just a habbit cos we were told that the management can actually measure the usage of power of your group if you did not switch off the lights.

i guess i should ask my current group member to off the lights when they go off for lunch as well.
to save the electricity for an hour during lunch hour.
i think a small deed can really make a big difference to the place we stay.
it might not be material to yourself.
but just by a simple action it would help...
why not..
just raise your hand and off the light for an hour?
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