god Bless Sxxxxxyx

as a main market player
the S internet providing more and more SxxKing services

it keep on DC DC DC lately on my internet services
with other internet player around... others might be providing a better services at a higher price with low DC rate
but still other player have their own limitation.
(as they are new in the market the area speed and coverage might not be as good as the current S internet provider)

good thing is S internet provider does not monopolised the market anymore
as i'm doing my posting here..
the c2pid internet connection got DC again..
it had make me more and more frustrated
how can it be?
when you provide service to others
your customer expect the best services regardless where and how the service being provided.

(why make me start cursing again????)
luckily the internet connection is back..
so i can post my frustration on my blog ;)
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