What will you do when you are free during the weekend?

Last Sunday we din went to FRIM instead we stayed at home and play masak-masak

So i cooked fried vege cake

the ingredient are: cabbage in purple and white and carrot
a bit of flour, frying powder and sesame oil

first you start with cutting all the white and purple cabbage as well as the carrot into strips.
then you mix flour with cold water and together with frying powder and sesame oil as well as some pepper and salt

when the oil is heat up hot enough,
just lay one teaspoon of the vege mixed with flour into the hot oil and let it fried until golden in colour.
and you get your fried vege cake

outcome version 1.0

and later we decided to improved our recipe and came out with version 2.0

Mr Driver pulak cooked fried long bean fried egg

first you cook the long bean with a bit of oil

mr goh very focus on cooking his dish

then you pour in the egg and wait for it to fried until the egg is cooked

long bean fried egg version 1.0

long bean fried egg version 2.0

so we have accomplished our mission last Sunday playing masak-masak together :P
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