yesterday was talking to my boss regarding a colleague is sick bcos her eyes got infected.
then my boss ask whether i wear contact and i said no

then suddenly i remember i suppose to go ask whether i can do laser for my eyes so i no need to wear spec anymore
haha... but mana ada money to do that?

yo.. then i need to save some of my money for that?

sometimes you feel you have a lot of things you wanna do,
but you just don't have enough money to do that

p/s i suddenly remember T college still owe me $$ for marking the exam script
1 Response
  1. J Says:

    But laser is not 100% rite? I heard ppl say you can get near-sighted again easily after doing laser. And it's kinda scary actually, thinking about the risk of losing your eyes. I guess I'm just gonna deal with contact lens for the moment. :)

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