Harry Potter 6

yesterday nite went to watch Harry Potter 6
before that some told me it's better than the previous one
some told me not to put too much of an expectation

and my conclusion are:-
1) definitely the book is better than the movie
2) ok i've watch 6 movies in a row, i would not missed the last one
3) it's a long long movie so long you forgot the time (2 and half hour) i watched the 8.00pm session when i come out it was 11...
4) if you are expecting a lot of fighting scene sorry you would me highly most likely be disappointed
5) there are more romance scene in this series where HP has grown up and it's time to have gf and kissing :P
6) i personally like the part where Ron got the love spell on him (seems like tat's the only part in the movie which i feel would leave a twit in my heart)

p/s gsc is getting... erm the movie film got burn half way... and it took them around 10 minutes to restore the movie... even we watched at wed and we pay a discounted rate... doesn't mean that we should get discounted services rite?

p/s2 i think there are a lot of nice film coming up soon
one of them is 'aliens in the attic' ~ "we come in pieces"
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