a building marked X on the bird eye view has gone into history and slowly disapper from the map of the golden triangle.
well that's the reality of life
if you are useless or somebody have better function than you
you will be phase out
and be discontinued.
from the news
位處在策略性地點的吉隆坡半山芭監獄,在未來發展趨勢下,料只能成為人們的回憶!百年歷史的半山芭監獄,廢置一段時間後,始終難逃被拆的命運。小圖為佔地 10公頃,毗鄰吉隆坡金三角地帶的半山芭監獄,與隆市的現代化高樓大廈顯得格格不入,最終難逃時代巨輪,呈「X」字形的建築物將消失在吉隆坡的版圖上!
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