
adapted from lazy couple's blog

一、至少在開始時是為了你自已以及興趣而 blog。
Blogging for fun ,for yourself, at least at beginning.

TC: Blogging is for fun.. blogging is a online diary where you wanna share your tought your experience, online journal, online shortcut everything for your convinient

懶老公: 是啊!我想大家都是如此吧,除了那些販賣非法軟體偷文章而做的部落格除外,懶老公深受其害!

二、不要強迫自已為了有規律的更新而 blog。
Don't force yourself to blog just for periodically update.

TC: agreed... blogging totally depending on your mood the things that you see... otherwise your blog might be empty cos you just blog for the sake of blogging.

懶老公: 這樣應該很不舒服吧~更新的內容品質也會不好,反而像是為了部落格而寫部落格。文心雕龍說:諸子之徒,心非郁陶,苟馳夸飾,鬻聲釣世,此為文而造情也。肚子沒東西、生活缺乏體驗,寫出來的文章也是枉然。

三、不要限制你 blog 的最大或最小長度
Don't limit your blog to min. or max. length.

TC: never ever limit my blog post legth.. I would like to do a 3 line in one blog post when i'm in a competition with somebody... hahaha... unfair hoh.. like that i also call it as one post.

懶老公: 這樣看起來,也是一個惡搞的題材,懶老公可以畫一篇不限定最大長度的咚啦A夢長篇漫畫了。

四、不要只是為了觀眾而 blog 。
Don't blog just for audience.

TC: Blogging is for yourself. not the audience. to me my blog is my own online diary. so just don't care how many people will come each day.. but who knows... i'm just writing for myself maybe there are people who are facing the same problem as me?

懶老公: 譁眾取寵嗎?應該不少人都想要當彎彎第二或是麥克第二,然後一窩蜂的貼部落格與趴文、畫圖。但老實說,經營部落格越單純越好,貼的人愉快看的人愉快即可!

Don't be afraid of opposite comments.

TC: there are less people comment on my blog... so not too worried. but those who intend to make some distruption.. i guess they are really too much.

懶老公: 設成悄悄話嗎?不敢面對的真相嗎?看來大家都要多包容與容忍那些異議份子。(不要是網路搗蛋蟲就好!)

六、寫 blog 是為了分享你的想法、你的主張,而非無義意的附和。
Blogging is to share your thought, your opinion, not your "me too".

TC: it all depends on the purpose of you writing the blog, most likely if you love ur blog you would not have the "me too" post

懶老公: 若是無異議的附和,那麼也太沒有主見了吧?

七、寫 blog 所用的工具和界面只是為了方便而已,而不是為了「哇!這真是迷人啊!」。相同的準則也用在你的網站配置。
Blogging tools and interfaces are for convenience, not for "Wow! so fascenating!" The same as your site layout.

TC: well would just like to keep my post page.. so.. this have no relevance to me :P

懶老公: 有了部落格後台工具之後,感覺自己已經不是網頁設計師的感覺,因為很多東西自己都可以更改,除了進階的CSS還是要傷腦筋之外,部落格的出現真是一大福音啊!

八、假使你不希望某人閱讀你的 blog ,那就別把它放上去。(即使他/她並不知道你有個 blog ) 。
If you don't want someone reading your blog, never put it on.(Even he/she don't know you have a blog)

TC: sometimes i think of something X1000 whether i wanna put on my blog. cos it will become an open secret once you decided to up it online. not forgeting your blog is googleable ;)

懶老公: 這叫做「若要人不知,除非己末為」嗎?

九、試著去記住你為何要 blog 。
Try to remember why you are blogging.

TC: why m i blogging... good question.. i will remember that everytime when i write my blog.

懶老公: 這是一個很深層的問題,就像結婚一樣,多少都是帶點衝動的。懶老公嘗試著拿掉衝動反問自己為何要寫部落格,得到的結論是:這是人生的一段歷程啊~好深層的議題對吧?

十、忘記前九點吧。並且使用第十點: 為了你自己而 blog。
Forget the first 9 rules. use the 10th instead: BLOG FOR YOURSELF!

TC: lol.. yeah blogging is for yourself... nothing else :)

懶老公: 很贊成!不要為了別人或是某些目的而做,這樣才能長久啊!
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