
The world is sick..
the earth is sick...
you see earthquake @ China, Australia, Afganistan
you see volcano erruption @ Iceland which caused chaos for europe airline system and resulted to many being trapped and millions/billions revenue lost.
People in Malaysia are sick too...
AH1N1 is trying to tell us ... hey i'm still around.. i'm not gone for good..
Not forgetting cute little mosquito which brings us dengue?

and last but not least
teen rape cases in school???
by your classmate? schoolmate?
school is not a safeplace afterall

thanks to???

the technology..
our selfishess..
and curiosity...

what can we do to help??
are we really sick as well??
1 Response
  1. ~Jessy~ Says:

    I won't be surprised if 2012 is real.

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