WOTD 04032011

1 : contestant (n):someone who competes in a contest.
2 : Canoe (n):a long light boat that is pointed at both ends
3 : orienteering (n):a sport in which people have to find their wa
4 : parachuting (n):a piece of equipment fastened to the back of p
5 : defeat (n):failure to win or succeed.

other words of the day from friends

1 : fetid (adj): having a strong bad smell
2 : fatuous (adj): very silly or stupid [= idiotic]
3 : feral (adj): wild, savage
4 : florid (adj): a florid face is red in colour
5 : fastidious (adj): very careful about small details in your app

1 : tournament (n):a competition in which players compete against
2 : luge (n):a vehicle with blades instead of wheels on which ....
3 : champion (n):SO or ST that has won a competition
4 : defender (n):one of the players in a game such as football who
5 : stadium (n):a building for public events, especially sports.
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