have not really updated my blog recently.
have not really write about what i see and what i feel recently.

i do not know whether i'm really stressed out or my performance just going down.
i really need a break from what i'm doing now.
maybe a short break will do.
a nice and short one.

i wonder whether my boss would approve my leave.
verbally she say yes because i had been working very very hard

actually the reason behind myself working very hard is not because i'm really that hard working
actually is just because i hate to get compared with other poeple.
and it's very irritating that you got compared with someone else.
apple should be compared against apple and not orange.

sometimes i feel so unfair that you compare an apple with an orange.
but i still do not know how to express my dissatisfaction.
1 Response
  1. Comparison is bound to happen. Be thankful you're not being compared to a watermelon.

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