a lot of things happened this few months.
but it's either that i'm too lazy to blog or i'm too tired to blog.
have a lot of picture taken to put inside the blog.
(however the picture is not of me... but of the things that i've seen during my way to work and stuff)

my room is still the messiest room ever.
try my best to clean it up by today.
start to enjoy the life of working
start to enjoy the life of no need to worry about exams
start to wonder what's the next peak for my life.

there are things that i should consider about.
there are things that i should be worry about.
like ACCA and my parents.

now there's time which i can spend more with my parents, family and especially my cousin as well as my grandma
i think i've been neglecting my grandma for too long d.

it's funny that when me and joo go out we have to bring my grandma and mother along.
but for god sake...
just think that better treasure the time we have together with them now,
than to regret at a later time, when they are not around.

like the life of working.
you can be generous to poeple around you as well as yourself.
since you earn the money yourself and you would prefer to reward yourself for the hardwork that you've done.
last time when i wanted to buy something,
i would need to consider for a long long time and also budget it nicely,
since all my tuition fees for acca (other than TAR college fees as well as the ACCA examination fees) are being paid out of my own pocket.

early of this month,
when i got my pay for August,
my parents, joo and I went to a vegetarian restaurant at the curve to eat steamboat which we consider the price is quiet expensive tough the environment is very nice.
i did really enjoy the steam boat tough.

then we also bought moon cake for ah ma, my parents and also joo's parents.
and we also bought a tiramisu mook cake for ourself and
we also get to buy the small size moon cake from bakers which i consider it's very nice since you would not fill it very very full when you jus wanna enjoy bite size moon cake.
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